What is product and product types in Odoo ERP?
What is product and product types in Odoo ERP?
A product is the item offered for sale and can be in physical or in virtual form. And the product type determines how the product will be managed in stock management. In Odoo, the product is used to define as a raw material, a stockable product, a consumable or a service.
So to manage your product you should know about the product and how to configure the product and if the product is not properly configured then it will create a problem and Odoo flow break down.
In Odoo three distinct product types are:
1. Stockable Product
2. Consumable Product
3. Service Product
1- Stockable product:
It is a product for which you can manage stock. This product is used in stock management and its replenishment is more or less automated as defined by the rules established in the system. For these products, we have to know how many pieces we have in stock. For stockable product, Odoo ERP will creates shipment transaction against purchase order & delivery order against sales order.
If you select your product type as stockable product then you can set Reordering rule, Bill of Material, Traceability, and routes for the same.
In stockable product, you can easily maintain your minimum stock level by defining reordering rule for stock in your system so that your stock will not reach to out of stock and if you don’t set Reordering rule, Odoo ERP will show-up warning messages in quotation if there isn’t enough balance in the stock.
Odoo ERP will prevent processing delivery orders that don’t have balances in the stock and it can be processed only by force availability button in the delivery order.
2. Consumable Product
Consumable on the other hand is a product for which stock is not managed which means once you receive it, deliver it because this type of product stock is not maintained in the system and it just like in a stock of some time of duration.
For consumable product, Odoo ERP will create shipment transaction against purchase & delivery order against sales order and Odoo ERP will show-up warning messages in quotation if there isn’t enough balance in the stock.
Odoo ERP will allow processing delivery orders even the product don’t have balance in the stock
3. Services Product
A service is a non-material product which you provide. This type of product will configure at the time when your company is providing any type of services to your customers.
Example- Consulting service
And therefore it does not appear in the various stock operations.So when we going to configuring a new product three fields are important
So when we going to configuring a new product three fields are important
– Product Type (as discussed above)
– Procurement Method (It includes make to stock and make to order)
– Supply Method (It includes produce and buy).
These three fields (Product Type, Supply Method, Procurement Method,) determine the system’s behavior when a product is required. The system will generate different documents depending on the configuration of these three fields.