Shopify integration with Odoo integrates and manage all your Shopify operations. If you are selling in Shopify store and Using Odoo for all other business operations then it is helpful for you to integrate Shopify with Odoo. It will be able to synchronize all the customers, products, orders and payments and much more from Shopify to Odoo.
How integration helps you:
Real-time product sync from Shopify to Odoo.
Real-time sync of order and inventory from Shopify to Odoo.
Payment and Tax Mapping from Shopify to Odoo.
Sync all your customers from Shopify to Odoo.
Features after setup and configure your Shopify with Odoo:
– Easily configured and user-friendly.
– A clean and beautiful dashboard with everything on a single screen.
– You can cancel and refund orders at Shopify from Odoo.
– You can process all your orders into Odoo by better shipping, warehouse, account management etc.
– You can manage your purchase at Odoo and effect on the stock after purchase will be automatically synced to Odoo.
– Update product price to Shopify directly using Odoo.
– Export, update products(image, inventory, attributes).
The Shopify Odoo Connector helps to combine the powerful Shopify eCommerce platform with the Odoo/OpenERP.
Odoo – Shopify Connector provides an instance to configuration and setup. Also, provides multi Shopify instance setup. It synchronizes Shopify products with Odoo products. Odoo – Shopify Connector can import sales order from Shopify. Also, it can export shipping details with tracking process.
Odoo – Shopify Connector creates invoice, payment and delivery report in Odoo. It can export and update image, inventory, and attributes. Also, it can import and export as well as update custom collection.