Royal Mail is a postal service and courier company and one of the most popular and highly used shipping service in the UK.
Royal Mail integration with Odoo ERP flawlessly carries out your shipping within Odoo ERP.  It has the ability to generate labels and tracking information to save in Odoo against each delivery order.
You can manage your Royal Mail shipments with Odoo ERP, as soon as your pick list is generated and sent to print, Odoo will print royal mail courier label by directly linking through the Royal mail online system.

How to setup and configure Royal Mail with Odoo ERP

1) After installation of this module and once users get Shipping Manager access we will be able to see the menu for “Delivery Order” and “Royal Mail” in Inventory Menu. Here we can create instances for our Royal Mail account.1

2) Now after creating instances, delivery carriers needs to be configured.Carrier

3)  Configure the Minimum Charge and Maximum Charge in the Delivery Carrier for auto selection of carrier based on Sale order amount.Capture 1

4) Select the Orders and click on “Royal Mail Operations”. Here all the operations are visible.



5) Custom label as we have labels from Royal Mail as well.label

6) Advance search options are

Basic flow can be understood by the following steps:

– Create shipment of orders and generate labels.

– Order to be packed, for that orders print batch label which is sorted by SKU’s

– After it is ready to ship, create manifest and orders will be processed automatically.

Planet-Odoo helps you in integration of Royal Mail with Odoo and more information you can contact us at

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