Employee referral is a scheme wherein the company’s existing employees refer their individual friends, ex-colleagues, college batchmates for recruitment in the company where they work. Employees are usually provided incentives and bonuses whenever the person referred by them is surely selected.

In this blog, we are going to discuss “How to use referral management in Odoo V15

First of all, you can install the Referral Module in your database.

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After successfully installing the referral management app. Then you can click on the Next button.

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After clicking on the NEXT button it displays features of the referral. At that time, click on the START NOW button and a few avatars are displayed to want for your friend.

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After selecting your avatar. At the same time, you log in and create a new situation, you are provided an avatar which is a normal person without any superpower pieces of clothing like cape or headgear. As you go on referring people and your referrals get selected, many superpowers will keep getting added.

This will show Referrals, Ongoing and successful referral. Under that can view the jobs on clicking VIEW JOBS, to email the job positions you can use EMAIL A FRIEND and view rewards click on REWARDS.

Now you can click on the Configuration button, then you can configure rewards, levels, friends, alerts, and onboarding.

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Whenever you want to configure rewards, Go to Referral Module -> Configuration -> Rewards and click on the Create button.

Now you can fill in the following details like product name, cost, company, gift responsible, description, etc.

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Whenever you want to configure levels, Go to Referral> Configuration> Levels and click on the Createbutton. Now you can fill all the required fields like level name, requirements points, image, etc.

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Whenever you want to configure Friends, Go to Referral-> Configuration-> Friends and click on the Create button.

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Now you can fill the following fields like the name of the friend, position and dashboard image.

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Now you can want to configure Alerts, Go to Referral -> Configuration -> Alerts and click on the Createbutton.

Now you can fill all the required fields like Date from, Date to, Company, On Click, Alert, etc.

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Now you can want to configure onboarding, Go to Referral ->Configuration -> Onboarding and click on the Create button.

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Now you can fill all the required fields like set the text, sequence, and company.

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Now you can view the jobs and refer to an employee who is referring, and when the candidate will go to the next stage then rewards will be increased.

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After clicking on the View Job button you can look at the total number of open positions. Now you can see two buttons like Refer Friend and More Info.

Similarly, you can share the link to any social media website. Now you can click on the Facebook or Twitter icon, then you will be redirected to a similar page of the social media website.

Now you can click on the ‘refer a friend’ button it will start an application to mail to your colleague. At that time, you can enter the mail id and click on the send button.

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When you can click on the More Info button, then you can quickly go to the website jobs, and you can directly apply for the jobs by clicking on the apply now button.

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In the dashboard, now you can see the Reward button. After clicking on the reward button it redirects to all the rewards you can hold and its points.

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When you click on the Reporting button now you can see the employee referral analysis.

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This is how you can use the Referral Module in Odoo V15. I hope you like blog and if you like to read more blogs written by us click on the Planet-Odoo 

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