A purchase agreement, commonly indicated to as a purchase contract or sale contract, mean out the terms of a real estate transaction. Odoo provides a tremendous tender process also known as Calls for Bids Terminology. Bidding functionality in Odoo is an offer to set a price by an individual or business for a product or service or a demand that something is done. Bidding is used to determine the cost or value of something. Odoo’s Bid and Tender Management module, bidding and tender management is longer a burdensome task as most of the process has been automated allowing you to breeze through all the difficulties associated with the process. The main interest is that it usually leads to better offers.
In this Blog, you are going to explain how to manage the “Purchase Agreement in Odoo V15” It helps you make timely and business-friendly decisions. Call for bids or tender process in Odoo is used to create or import a detailed Scope of Work defined in the Tender to estimate costs. It is used to drive competition between several suppliers in order to get the best offer for a list of products. In comparison to the RFQ, a Purchase Tender is sent to multiple suppliers, stating each is competing with one another, and that the best offer will win.
Now Let’s see How to Manage Purchase Tender process in Odoo:
>> Firstly, you need to install the “Purchase” module in Odoo.
>> To configure Purchase Agreement option from settings by following below mentioned steps:
~Go to Purchases -> Configuration -> Settings
==> Now you can view options under the ‘Purchase Order’ and tick the checkbox of the Purchase Agreements feature.
>> Now configure Purchase Agreement Types :
~Go to Purchases -> Configuration -> Purchase Agreement Types.
~Create a new agreement type or edit existing agreement types as mentioned in the below image:
You can fill all the fields like Agreement Type, Agreement Selection Type, Lines, Quantities, The important feature which is highlighted in the above image.
==>Agreement Selection Type: There are two options for selection like Select only one RFQ (exclusive), Select multiple RFQ.
~Select only one RFQ (exclusive): This Agreement Selection type allows only one RFQ. It will not allow you to confirm more that one quotation. If you have created multiple quotations for the same agreement, then after confirming any quotation into an order, it will cancel all other quotations.
~Select multiple RFQ: This Agreement Selection type allows you to confirm multiple quotations for the same agreement.
==> Lines: In Lines, you have two options to add a product like Use lines of Agreement, Do not create RFQ lines automatically
~Use lines of Agreement: When you activate this option to automatically add the products to RFQs while creating a purchase tender.
~Do not create RFQ lines automatically It just does the opposite, here we have to add the products in the RFQs manually.
==> Quantity: Quantity is used to manage the Purchase order line quantity
~Use quantities of agreement: When you tick this checkbox and the purchase order lines quantities will be the same as in the quotation
~Set quantities manually: When you tick this checkbox and the purchase order line quantity will be zero for all products initially. We need to set the quantity in the purchase order.
Now let us discuss how to create a Purchase Agreement on the platform.
>> Now create a Purchase Agreement and its related RFQ(s) as per your requirement:
Create a purchase agreement from Purchase-> Purchase Agreements-> Create.
Now you can apply the filters on your records in several measures. The default filters available here are My Agreements, Draft, Confirmed, Done. At that time you are capable to create new filter by clicking on the Add Custom Filters option.
After clicking on the Group by button, The default options available here: Purchase Representative, Status, Ordering Date. At that time you can add new custom group by clicking on the add custom group button.
After clicking on the Favourite tab, the default option available here: saving current search, Import records, Link menu in spreadsheet, Insert list in spreadsheet.
After clicking on the Status button, the default option appears here: Purchase Representative, related Company, Ordering Date, Agreement Deadline, Source Document and Status. now if you want to add more new custom filter, you can add by clicking on the add custom fields.
Create a new agreement by filing following details like Purchase Representative, Agreement Type, Agreement Deadline, Ordering Date, Delivery Date, Products, Quantities, Unit Price, etc. and click on save button.
~Choice of Vendor is optional. If you select the Vendor from here, then it will automatically set that selected vendor in Request for Quotation.
~Now click on buttons “Confirm”
~Now you will see the button “New Quotation”, just click on it to create a new quotation.
Once the quotation has been generated, send the quotation to the parties by mail. At that point validate the purchase agreement.
Once the RFQ has been selected click on Done to confirm the purchase agreement. A purchase order for the confirmed quotation with the tender reference will be created in the purchase orders view.
After clicking on the Send by Email button you can send the RFQ by email.