The manufacturing industry is a major industry that involves the operation of a large number of machines. Maintenance of all the machines plays a critical role in the industry.
The maintenance module is an important instrument for bettering your company’s product and machinery management. The maintenance module can assist you in improving the health and productivity of your machines.
Health care that reduces waste and runs appropriate continues manufacturing operations. Maintaining the machinery’s health can aid in the planning and operation of the machines for maximum output.
Odoo v15 Maintenance Module provides great Calender and Kanban views you can easily track or organize the progress of the maintenance request and for planning and organizing activities. You can also use the maintenance calendar. Odoo maintenance module will be of great help to all industries. It will benefit small scale and large scale manufacturers equally.
Odoo will help you to manage all machines in two effective ways.
1. Preventive maintenance
2. Corrective maintenance
What is Preventive Maintenance : This is a type of maintenance that is done on a regular basis. To avoid mechanical breakdown, preventive maintenance is performed. This is done to keep the machine from being damaged. It will also assist us in extending the equipment’s life.
What is Corrective Maintenance : Corrective as the name indicates helps to correct reported errors. WE can schedule maintenance in advance and carry out all activities on time. In this process, the failure of the machine or the malfunctioning of the machine will be addressed.
In this blog we will discuss how we can use this module in an effective and efficient manner.
For maintenance management first we have to install a Maintenance module, for this go to the app section in the Odoo database. Go to the Odoo database > Apps > search > maintenance module.
After this module installation it will appear in the odoo database. For reference you can see the screenshot below.
Now click on the Maintenance module icon and then you can see the Odoo V15 Maintenance Module that has a dashboard that displays information about internal maintenance tasks. It includes a simple maintenance calendar as well as Kanban views of the activities. It allows you to drag and drop items. The best support for the successful operation of the instruments comes from timely maintenance work. It also allows the various wings to process maintenance requests more quickly.
On the dashboard you can see the various tabs. Let’s talk about one by one. It has a dashboard, maintenance, equipments, reporting and configuration for reference you can see the screenshot below.
Maintenance : It has two tabs: maintenance requests and maintenance calendar. For reference you can see the screenshot below.
Maintenance request : when you click on the maintenance request you can see the list of requests which are already created. You can prioritize requests by using three-star emoticons under the requests to rate them. When you click it, the stars will fill up to indicate how important the requests are.
To create a new Maintenance request, go to this page and click the CREATE button. You can construct a new request from the Create button.
Fill all the details and then save the maintenance request form.
Title : A name that will be used to identify the request.
Created by : The individual who makes the request.
Equipment : Name of the equipment which is not working.
Firm : Information about the company Machines that require maintenance are referred to as equipment.
Request date : The date on which the request was created.
Select between corrective and preventive maintenance.
Production order : In the event that a machine fails while the manufacturing process is in operation, ad MO
Teams : The maintenance team provides specifics.
Scheduled date : The production date that has been set.
Duration : Maintenance time
Priority : Select how to control a priority.
Maintenance Calendar : After this come to the calendar. The maintenance calendar can be found under the Maintenance tab on the Dashboard of the maintenance module. The Maintenance calendar will appear after you select it from the drop-down option, for this see the screenshot below.
All maintenance requests, along with their due dates, will be displayed here. The calendar can be adjusted to Daily, Week, Month, and Year. If you click on any of the dates on this page, a tab will appear that allows you to enter new maintenance requests, as seen below.
Equipments : For creating equipment, select equipment > Create.
For new equipment click on the create button.
Now, you can create equipment categories using Create Button. For choosing the equipment category go to, Maintenance > Configuration > Equipment Category.
Now click on the create button and create a new equipment.
As you can see from the above image I have created a new equipment category.
Maintenance Team : The main function of all Maintenance Management Systems is to observe the entire production and analyze the best practices in the particular field itself. For this, every company needed a specific maintenance team. Now let us look at how to create this maintenance team.
You can click on the create button to create a new team.
With the above image you can see how you can add a new name to the team.
I hope this information is helpful for you and if you like to read more blogs written by us click on the Planet-Odoo