What is Contact : A person or an organization that shows interest in your service or business is a ‘lead’. When a lead buys your product or service, he becomes your customer and is saved in your database as a ‘contact’. A contact can be an individual or an organization.

What is Contact Management : Contact management is the process of storing and tracking data on customers and leads. In addition to providing quick access to customer data, investing in contact management can help you grow and diversify your customer base. Upgrading to customer relationship management software can provide advanced data that allows you to increase engagement between your company and its customers.

Contact Management in Odoo : For managing our corporate contacts, we can rely on a variety of tools. Many companies still use outdated methods for this, such as Excel lists, email clients or other rigid databases. Managing contact of customers, vendors, sub-contractors and many other categories of people will be required to ensure the smooth operation of a business. Odoo helps us to manage our contacts in an easy going manner, that’s why there is a separate module in Odoo which is Contact Management Module. 

The Odoo contact module can be combined with a variety of other modules to provide a contact support system for any business or organization. You may see information about the contact’s scheduled meetings with you, as well as sales, subscription data, purchase details, vendor invoices, and more. With the Odoo contacts management module, you can encode, manage and import your contacts information, and you can also access it in every other Odoo module. 

In this blog we will discuss how you can configure the contact module in Odoo V15.

To use this module it should be installed in your Odoo database. And if this module is not installed for you then go to the Odoo app store and install from there. When it is installed click on the Contact icon and you will come to its dashboard. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

6flT7X3dIORlSDzDycVnTmxiiLM9LJ zRxV832RRFJ74arddMQ lkDGbzlhBb6jyOLFRFmwgHApPavr5so1D5XZ
uNyZTnIpT4fJ3VvbbvGMtu6awkOE WLcPYUxSEe3aB17A3R9p7wdA13NIBc60PeWoPblc2MdRiNYIu tILglAWj3i 8W9TbSkPicnnsm1NSjRo9IWxx pmBzdKJ07FsR8KsDW3TJ

On the dashboard you can see only two tabs, that is Contacts and Configuration.

Configuration : Let’s talk about how you can configure the contact module in Odoo V15. When you click on the configuration tab you will see the drop down menu. In this menu you can see the various options such as Contact Tags, Contact Titles, Industries, Countries, Fed. States, Country Group, Banks, Bank Accounts. We will talk about every topic in detail so let’s begin with Contact Tags.

j 3b7mLORDLFTvojg11toNpKPPy HOYJmlE1LyAdPzUe30SEZzBAtPe8VUhA FdXcA0mSqN9 vHeuXqRqu4 ZxFcWzWnjt8ULWwuMFXKQmFy35UZY7neWwwcmH eu2WuQGJlg8BI

Contact Tags : This is the first option in the configuration tab. When you click on this option you will come to the new window. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

2GdakTzfruH IeT4zAvAG R89T8ZENLrG9XkuFl2bckObDGDJ7QM1INwsH2LDk 6PIVFz
sxqOOoWo1fe6nnamNsiEmTv0fjKbhB3xlTj81Ocmc3alkQQaQkRs2YZ4qWmb1Jk8Fy7Yt74q4GwenwhyNXhlI8qmCfgWio X2 giaAUtPWb 3Vpe1ZUbZm1brqk05aJ1C RwvICn

In the above screenshot you can see the list of contact tags which are already created. You can see the highlighted button, with this you can export all the contact tags. If you want to edit the existing contact tag then you will click on any of the tags from the list and edit this with the help of the edit button. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

sYXGO2N3iUwM0t21Cxf BIbyLi0WPCTQw kuuHd20W WkUqcrnk0WzyP50Fj fwdQyJ2pOYN3CYywpB2mGcvMXuUp8CCKkmt1nDZEkLpgGkPVqg76PMk zVYJQ PpX5 GZ5qOVEo

There are two buttons on the above screenshot. If you want to edit a tag then click on the “Edit button” and when it’s done click on the save button. And if you want to create a new contact tag then click on the “Create Button”.

w4neNTHFyHkaxeDB6pvafAqHBJ0WM7UPquWANFMqC5vLdSv 7B1yw3LXhhBZj56vCwFMsaiBTnd5FWl6hFnCqc7QfcguD 9jS53RMmO2vVxPm3ClJPneAoRv1gov9XREerg N Yl

From the above screenshot you can see that I have created a new tag with the demo name and selected a parent category also. Now click on the save button and the new one will be created with the list which is already existing. For reference you can see the highlighted part of the screenshot below.

ieWj88FaYvm1qiVl9Nxt7z K8gOY2 LOHIkrISeZH33xUfqCS KfrubmjAWnGF9JkDX01i8rXfIm7sKsSpi9UkulZOFlridc T5Rm66BndE3fnW5

This is how you can create and edit contact tags.

Contact Titles : When storing contacts, you may give the individual a contact title so that you can call them according to their classification when communicating with them. When you click on the configuration tab then you can select this option from the drop down menu. When you click on this option then you will come to the new window. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

JJDth GBdzc A NqheH Y9TIiEX2SYgaHkmRKbsZ xPFKU5RCyTzfIq tOiE0a1Nv ByjIlv79nDNOGGrdgvm 0wehfQM17k66pwQhyfRKcnvOEvi4zYiw 04CT2ctMbRC6Yw6Tb

From the above screenshot you can see the list of contact titles which are already created. If you want to edit the existing one then you can simply click on the respective title and you can edit this directly from right here. And if you want to create a new one then click on the “Create button” and you can create directly from the right here. For reference you can see the screenshot below.


This is how you can create and edit contact titles.

Industries : Next option is industries. A list of industry names and complete names may be found by selecting the Industries option. When you click on the configuration tab then you will see the drop down menu and select industries from there. When you click on this option then you will come to the new window. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

DUBQdIuYv8mYqApusy6bHtUT1gzgM1hqyJdMJ63J2XxwCOj QoFxJ
bK8TGaQB3TD0y5AQPiOXjyrX781dcizk mf9hksowxFamDeqA78DL6uvybIEbP3a42uLFp5 L984XvDydToNhov2m1g4JH1ui7 7 NBVwyETNVpKd4aHnsno9WyVTl s6QkucSd

From the above screenshot you can see the list of industries which are already created.  If you want to edit the existing one then you can simply click on the respective industry and you can edit this directly from right here. And if you want to create a new one then click on the “Create button” and you can create directly from the right here. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

wlzGRhDGQ3w23rpLg8YqzVPwbmr3opZyEOWfzQu95z zj r tjIZlat62Ri4T1lixGBlDpOexZC2Ab1iVNQsz6zcAk7XK9fqRtvLgi5QQPkAPTfiJYlVnmg8G Z8RNrjVF WzavM

This is how you can edit and create industries.

Countries : When you click on the configuration tab then you can select this option from the drop down menu. When you click on this option then you will come to the new window. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

8tQZJYMuAhWzGaAoRIp48biSoVe3Jnwm gKtqru1MNftC2 ajvh52lxjMTzNswseBtC7bvge071yfJOoNz mEi vC NfTGdOk D 05f 0FlNPcseHqfS0DzKC5nSjEZA2M7ZSwFo
VTBpdAKhYtltwrUi8uhnnxJaXbrMP45lgll 7l6bgGBYOyQ2ukTeR0rDVBHbD2VLkcjPOX

You can see the nation’s names and details. The names of the nations, country codes, and whether or not they may be used on eBay and whether or not they are Intrastat members are all listed. Details such as the Country Name, Currency Used, Country Code, Code MX, Use on eBay, Intrastat Number, Country calling Code, Demonym of the Country, Enforce Cities, Vat Label, whether Zip is required or not, State Required, Name of the State, and State Code are displayed when you click on the country name. 

If you want to make some changes then click on the edit button. And after performing changes click on the save button. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

AmBqE9EIW2GLCfyC3TkO tebh8pCxpVnieB4ClVVr1SSYJReqhg4QYPrV31xOZZGaTqEvfh914FkXnWtA9 q8ll8cbk2Drq80N GQGgmmhuWn ZBngB0UUiOc3WkCwU6EW6lQwbo

Fed. States : To view the state name and their details you can click the Fed. States option. When you click on the configuration tab then you can select this option from the drop down menu. When you click on this option then you will come to the new window. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

ztuFDYnc3ZvW7lpp UOkfoKN4OpVBk7i1kpgV0QInquefnewHcs LFY4R5u1fs07ogBOwv9Kzuh8 58xCESOZB

On the above screenshot you can see the details like State Name, State Code and Country. You can update them by clicking on the state name and making the necessary adjustments. And if you want to create a new one then click on the “Create button” and you can create directly from the right here. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

p9HeGsx Gw4OJFoovZS40GwJsKPC VpIdJnsAgCVxZob2ERG6yI5 ldDQ33JNg bqNAQyouEVONpUQU u51XVTtirBLxJnd8Eywf3sMy8j3IO0sWcdiXesX6XWM4r3nV1A nHzDi

Country Group : This is the next option in the configuration tab after the Fed. States. When you click on the configuration tab then you can select this option from the drop down menu. When you click on this option then you will come to the new window. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

Gyii5N55nvBKs wCGqR b4IcpkQynbD4y5 iMPC vx4i0tQpR45JMc7A OkulKRB 8UPsdbI73j9ewf 5baydpjOFLZbFeIiuDB6 HNgtlDKGDve
ogxObQKpuVsHeNZkPVQm3APWA7T2DlG8qnqJ3FtI2JbT1ljlzIp69KYm1AcQD9Mfix9GFQ7za2GdsGSd0dF4G36xoVnM4vUVpsoSy1QRe06Fjw8AcMUqPTDeX nyHOKLHbFd05pY

From the above screenshot you can see the list of Country Group which are already created. If you want to create a new one then click on the “Create Button” and a new window will appear. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

You must fill out the Name of the Group, Countries that come within the group, Price List Name, Website, and Company Name on the form page that displays and click on the save button. Now your new Country Group is created.

Banks : This is the next option after Country Groups. When you click on the configuration tab then you can select this option from the drop down menu. When you click on this option then you will come to the new window. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

7C2ZQtiGSqgw719xl1Qbtro IjKC2ClnR7KRaDVLVuXY9j3 63OJuaM 0Xi1 E9y gf6xfc2 7pzKtFUczWzL2nX39MQ7e
QSlf9cgtYSQazQnYuqvz PKup3WJJUcfJJpOKUhN4ATLxMqXIRZCMGYBXLnI4iycdJ9AIDfRVUuyRG 4TNVx2 6n6dsxuGpuNQXngF74rK4kHz1heo702nuViA KogeuSCAsJbqg

From the above screenshot you can see the list of Banks which are already created. If you want to create a new Bank then click on the “Create Button” and a new window will popup. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

A4V7FBhJumJCZbJ7WAA9yo5XpLzden5Gpq9S uF CpqMOosOU5vhHI0sR8F2Oj1jdMurVYcFvQiA4jwEUd63TJPN2ftyRqh9qUe7hUshJSdcB

Now you have to fill in all the fields such as Name, Bank Identifier Code, Bank Address, Phone  and Email. After filling all the fields click on the save button. This is how you can create a new bank.

Bank Accounts : This is the next and last option after Banks. When you click on the configuration tab then you can select this option from the drop down menu. When you click on this option then you will come to the new window. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

hF4 soe3yfbhCZ4zgM12x Io3SYaphlLGXAoDHq9nRP3E4gBj zWa8oOHHBkESGUCgK0UFR8WXv0XVbXuerpQzHHjhhu32ADhYhcY8nujeBWjElny3MYGQJ4QCvB81Q0R2kQqX5b
Lwjadg4YmIlUVIOhpqb E43xuErpH Uku7SBCBzi3KNbtDM1CNUTB5DsJ9QO8lwhVvgGXtnbVpCya4HuO36hLQRsZkOliinJBPcz5G 9t6aNc 0A8We97m1A8LWPGuM1OqrDD7LB

From the above screenshot you can see the list of bank accounts which are already created. For reference you can see the screenshot above. You can see the details here like Account Number, Name, Company Name and Account Holder Name. If you want to create a new bank account then you can click on the “Create Button” and a new window will popup. For reference you can see the screenshot below.


Now you have to fill in the details here such as Account Number, Bank Name, Account Holder and Account Holder name. After fillings all the fields click on the save button and your new bank account will be created.This is all about the configuration of the contact module in Odoo V15. I hope you like blog and if you like to read more blogs written by us click on the Planet-Odoo

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