How To Use Survey Management in Odoo 13
In Odoo 13 Survey management is the processes used to monitor, administer and control the survey. In Odoo Survey Management application, now you can manage, send, and collect responses for basic surveys. Odoo Survey Management is used to improve communication, process management, and decision support across the organization.
In this Blog, you are going to discuss “How to Use Survey Management in Odoo 13″.Message is suitable for institutes that require surveying and interviewing techniques to measure evaluation amongst different participant’s levels and categories. In the help of Odoo Survey management now you can preparing calling lists, mailing list and tracking the status of each questionnaire through the data editing processes.
Now Lets’ see how to create survey in Odoo 13:
First of all, you can install the Survey app in your database.
Now you can create new survey via clicking on the survey button or edit the existing survey.
Go to Surveys application -> and click on Create button.
Now you can enter the name of the survey title and click on the Save button.
In a survey tab now you can add pages title and question . Whenever you want to creating a questions on this page by clicking on add a line button. Now you enter the following fields like Questions, and select the checkbox of type of questions.
Now Lets’ see the various types of questions here:
1.Multiple Lines Text Box
This type of questions is gives answer in multiple line like a paragraph. The employee can give a answer in multiple lines text box.
2. Single Line Text Box:
This type of questions is used to give a single line answer. The employee can give a answer in single line text box.
3. Numerical Value:
This type of question consider only numeric value is allowed as answer.
4. Date:
This type of question is consider answer only date format.
5. Multiple-choice only one answer:
In this type of question, now we can provide a choice for the employee to select one answer for the question.
6. Multiple-choice multiple answer:
In this type of question, now we can provide a choice for the employee to select multiple choice answer for the question.
7. Matrix:
This type of questions there are various options for selecting the number of rows. Now you can set the choice and set the row- wise and column-wise parameter for perfect calculation.
Test Survey
After completing the creating page now you can test the survey by clicking on the Test button in survey application.
Go to Survey -> and click on the Test survey button.
Now go to the survey website at that time click on Start Survey button.
After clicking the start button then you can redirect to the first page of the survey form. Now you can enter the answer to the following questions and click on the next button.
After filling all the answers of the questions, now you can click on the submit survey button or whenever you want to go back to the previous page of the survey form now click on the previous page button.
In Thank you page you can see the answers you give for the questions by clicking review your answers. If you want to go back to the survey, tap the button Back to Survey.
Now you can view all the answers filling by you for the questions via clicking on the review your answer button.
View answers
After completing testing of the survey now if you want to see the Answers that employees given in the survey via clicking on the Answers button.
At that time the list of surveys will be provided, now you can open the individual survey which you need to see the results.
Through clicking on individual user answers, at that time you can view all the answers that employee given to the questions.
In this screenshot display the Question and Answer Type of the survey contains.
View Results:
In Odoo Survey application now you can see the graphical and statistical reports of the survey to click on the See Results button.
At the same time you clicking on the view result button, now you can see the complete report of the survey.
To Sharing of Survey:
In this Odoo Survey application , now you can share created survey for the user via clicking on the Share button.