How to Use Lunch Module in Odoo 13
In Odoo 13, Lunch module is one of the modules. Here it is to manage Lunch by abbreviate time for management and easiness. In Odoo 13 Lunch module is to handle employees lunch time, ordering meals etc. Some times company will provide employees breakfast. This type of cases, companies need to handle breakfast time and quantity of food and food category, etc.
Lunch module is one of the simplest modules in Odoo 13. A large company generally has a large team, so building understanding and bonds between employees and management can be as simple as lunch. The Odoo 13 Lunch module has been developed to make this management simple.
Firstly you can install the Lunch module in your database.
Now you can create product list in the lunch module by click on the Create button.
Go to Lunch -> Configuration -> Product

At time the employees will let slip from memory to order food items and lead to many delays due to that, in order to avoid that you can create alerts that is avoid any delays produce by late ordering and all.
Go to Lunch -> Configuration -> Alerts
Now you can create a new order by clicking on the new order button.
Go to My Lunch -> New order
In Odoo 13 new UI for the lunch module. You can view that the Alert is been showing in the order. The user can view the balance in his account And at that time you can choose the products that you want to order. And the price will be automatically displayed on. At that time click on the save button to save the order. Now you can configure your order to click on add to cart button.

Whenever receive, the products expense will be add on to each user’s account. And also there is an option to set payment for the orders. Go to Employee Payments and create a new payment. This payment will be added to the corresponding user account.
Now the manager can see and handle all user accounts through click on the Control accounts button.