Odoo CRM : Odoo CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management Module within the Odoo System. It allows you to see all your leads/opportunities in one location, manage them from one stage to another, and analyze your results.

In this blog we will discuss how Odoo CRM Module Systematizes the Pipeline :  Odoo CRM helps us to organize our sales activities: track leads, close opportunities and get accurate forecasts. Keep opportunities organized with the pipeline and manage your day-to-day activities with meetings and next activities.

  1. Get Systematized by Planning Activities : Whenever you plan an activity that means you  minimize the risk of uncertainties, as you provide clear directions for the course of your next action. 

Where can I see my schedule activity ?

Access and manage your activities wherever you are in Odoo by the Activities menu.


Plan Activities : Activities can be planned and managed from the chatter by clicking on Schedule activity, or through Kanban views.

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By default Odoo provides a number of activity types (email, meeting, call etc.) However, you can set new ones going to Settings ‣ Activity types.

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Recommend next activity : Odoo helps you to plan a flow of activities by allowing you to set Recommended Next Activities.

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When the relative activity is completed, select Done & Schedule Next and next steps are suggested to you.

  1. Administrate lost Opportunities : When you are working with your opportunities, it can be possible that you can lose some of them. You will want to keep track of the reasons you lost them and also which ways Odoo can help you recover them in the future.

Mark a lead as lost and Manage and create lost reason : While in your pipeline, select any opportunity you want and you will see a Mark Lostbutton.

You can then select an existing Lost Reason or create a new one right there. You will find your Lost Reasons under Configuration ‣ Lost Reasons. You can select & rename any of them as well as create a new one from there.

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Retrieve Lost Opportunities :To retrieve lost opportunities and do actions on them (send an email, make a feedback call, etc.), select the Lost filter in the search bar.

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Now you can see all your lost opportunities. If you want to strain them further you can add a filter on the Lost Reason.

For Example, Too Expensive.

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Restore Lost Opportunities : You can also restore it by clicking on Archived.

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When you click on archive this will open 

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And when you click on restore your lost data will be retrieved.

  1. To handle multiple sales teams : In Odoo, we can manage several sales teams, departments or channels with specific sales processes. For this, we use the concept of Sales Channel.

Create new Sales Channel : To create a new Sales Channel, go to Configuration ‣ Sales Channels. There you can set an email alias to it. Every message sent to that email address will create a lead/opportunity.

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Add members to your sales channel : You can add members to any channel; through this, those members will see the pipeline structure of the sales channel when opening it.

If you now filter oIf you now filter on this specific channel in your pipeline, you will find all of its opportunities.

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