Lots And Serial Numbers In Odoo
In Odoo Serial & lot numbers is used to easily track product serial & lot numbers. A serial number is a unique number assigned to identify a specific item.
A lot number is an identification number assigned to products indicating the batch or lot in which the product was manufactured or processed. In Odoo Lot numbers are used when you make a product in large quantities, with the same set of ingredients or raw materials, and at the same time.
First of all, you have to install the Inventory Apps in your database.
Go to Inventory apps -> Configuration ->Settings ->traceability and Check –>Lots and Serial Numbers.
Go to ->Inventory Apps ->Configuration ->Settings ->traceability,
Now tick the checkbox of Lots and Serial Numbers and click on the Save button.
At that time go to the Warehouse section. Now tick the checkbox of the Multi-Warehouse location and click on the Save button.
Now you can configure the Inventory operation Types.
Go to Inventory Apps -> Configuration-> Warehouse Management-> Operation Types and click on the Save button.
Now go to the Inventory operation types and tick the checkbox of Lots and packs section.
Go to the Sales/Purchase apps and select the product section. If you want to apply “By Lots” of the product conference Chair.
Now go to Inventory Apps of the product -> Traceability and select the > By Lots to handle the individual lots of the product.
Now you can create the Purchase Order of the product Conference chair to view the variation.
Although acquiring the product, and select a small icon (Lot split button) can be view on the right side of the product.
Now you can select a ‘Lot/Serial Number’ for the product and click on the confirm button.
Whenever you want to view a Lot/Serial number of the product.
Now go to Inventory module ->Lots/Serial Numbers. Choose the product in which you want to trace.
At the same time, the product has been successfully added to the inventory, now you can track the product or the lots in various way.
Now click on the Traceability report button to trace the report of the product.
Inventory adjustment
In Inventory apps, you can track the product serial number that can be done in two ways.
- Classic inventory by-products
- Inventory of a serial number
Now you can configure the Inventory Adjustments
Go to Inventory -> Operations -> Inventory Adjustments
In the Inventory Adjustment, you can create a new inventory and select on the checkbox of one product only and click on the Start Inventory button.