How to design a digital signature in Odoo
Odoo Digital signatures build on convinced types of encryption to assure authentication. A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a secure digital key that certifies the identity of the holder, issued by a Certifying Authority (CA). It typically contains your identity like name, email, country, APNIC account name, and your public key.
Odoo Digital Signature is a fast and beneficial way to send, sign and approve documents. The Odoo digital signature can be very important for documents such as sale orders, purchase orders, invoices, payslips, procurement receipts, etc. Odoo Digital signatures are based on public-key cryptography, also known as asymmetric cryptography.
In the Odoo Sign module, you can make contracts by dragging and dropping blocks to be completed by the opposition parties, submit signature requests in seconds and track the status of sent documents. In this Blog, you are going to discuss “How to Digital Signature works in Odoo”.
Firstly you have to install the sign module in your database.
After installation of Odoo sign module. Now go to the Templates and you can see two buttons like “UPLOAD A PDF TEMPLATE” or “SEND A REQUEST”.
You can upload a PDF template or that require a signature by triggering UPLOAD A PDF TEMPLATE.
At the same time the PDF is uploaded, it is easy to edit and modify fields the file with drag and drop feature as shown in an image. You can build your own custom field in the menu sections.
In the Signature section, you can see a small black color button whenever you trigger it, a little box will open where you can set the field to be Mandatory field.
In Responsible: by this means default “Customer” is selected. Click on that and select your responsible person. If you want to configure responsible roles just go to configuration > Roles
At that time you can create a Signature Item role and click on save button. Enter the following fields like Name, SMS Authentication.
After completion of all template then send your signature request to your corresponding people. Over clicking on the SEND button and set the email address of the customer.

Whenever you select Outgoing Mail Servers option you can begin to configure an outgoing mail server. Before configuring, you need to fill in the following field:
Description: The Description of the Outgoing Mail Server.
Priority: The lower the number the higher the priority. It means that the e-mail server with the lowest number will be used the most.
SMTP Server: The server SMTP e.g,
SMTP Port: The SMTP port of your server e.g, 465.
Connection Security: The type of security. You should choose SSL/TLS for Gmail.
Username: Your E-mail account.
Password: The Password of your Gmail account.