How to create Invoice from Point of Sales in Odoo 13

In Odoo 13 you can create an Invoice from Point of Sales. Invoice is a list of things provided or work done together with their cost, for payment at a later time. In Odoo Invoices grant you to record the sale of a product for inventory control, accounting and tax purposes.

In Odoo many users might request an invoice at the same time buying from your Point of Sale, now you can easily handle it directly from the PoS interface. Odoo Invoice grant you to record the sale you have just make in the POS module into the account module. An invoice is a commercial document that itemizes and records a transaction between a buyer and seller.


Now Lets’ see how to create the Invoice from Point of Sales in Odoo 13:

>>First of all, you can install the PoS module in your database.

>>Go to  Point of Sale -> Configuration ->  Point of Sale and select your Point of Sale: 

Now go to the Bills & Receipts section, then you will tick the invoicing option. 


At that time go to the Dashboard and choose your Point Of Sale.

To Select Product

Now you can select a products in your Point of Sale Session.

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To Select Customer 

In your Point of Sale session interface, now you can select the customer to click on the customer button.

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At that time you can then either choose an existing customer and set it as your customer or create a new customer by click on the plus  button.

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To Select Payment:

After that select customer, now click on  the payment button.  

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In the payment mode, now you have an invoice option, click on the Invoice button  to it and validate. 

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At that time you can choose the payment mode like Cash, Bank in your PoS Session.

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Now you can click on the print button to print the invoice and go to your next order.

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