Lunch Management : Lunch management is used to manage employees lunch time ordering meals etc. Most companies face some difficulties in managing Lunchtime and order for employees. Managing the food distribution system inside an organization can sometimes get messy. But an efficient ERP application for managing food supply can help. ERP system helps to control the food supply of a firm. 

It is helpful for small and large industries to manage the lunch criteria for each individual. Odoo 15 Lunch module ensures checking prices, advance order booking, and tracking of payments. Lunch module in odoo is one of the simplest modules in odoo. Sometimes companies will provide employees breakfast. This type of case, companies need to handle breakfast time and quantity of food and food category, etc. Now let us have a look into Lunch Management In Odoo.

Why do you need Lunch Management in Business : In a small scale industry lunch management is not that much problematic. But in the high scale business industry lunch management is a key factor. Because managing these things( ordering meals, time schedule, food allowance etc) for huge employees is a little bit tough.That’s the reason Lunch management was introduced.

This blog provides you with an overview of the Lunch Management in Odoo V15.

To use this, first of all install the Lunch Module in your Odoo database from the Odoo apps. And if this is already installed for you then just click on the icon of the Luch Module. This module is installed for me so I will click on the icon of the Lunch Module.


When you click on the Lunch Module you will come to the dashboard of its module. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

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The dashboard page provides details of orders generated by the employee. It is possible to categorize food items and choose the vendors list. All these sorting options are on the left side of the Lunch window.

Configuration of the Lunch Module : The Configuration tab in the Odoo Lunch Module contains various options, including Settings, Vendors, Locations, Products, Products Categories, and Alert.

Settings : You can find settings option in the configuration tab. The option Lunch Overdraft allows you to add a maximum overdraft to reach employees.

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Vendors : You can find vendors under the configuration tab. When you click on the configuration tab a drop down option will appear and you can select vendors from there.

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You can create a new vendor with the help of the “Create Button”. When you click on the Create Button a new window will appear. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

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Here you have to fill in all the fields like vendor title, name of the Vendor, address, email, phone, company, delivery address, location etc. Product, Label, and Quantity Availability must be marked, and the Orders option informs us about product delivery, location, and sending orders through phone or email. In the Orders section, we might mention the Product’s price and name. When filling the form click on the “Save Button” and your vendor is created. This is how you can create your new vendor.

Control Vendors : You can control your vendors also. You can find control vendors under the Manager tab. It helps to see the placed orders from several vendors. By clicking on Order Date, you can see details of each order separately.

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When you click on the Control Vendors menu you will come to the new window. 

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In the Control Vendors window, we can see the name of Vendor, Product, Extras, Notes, User, Lunch Location, Status, Price, and Company. We can add a Custom Field of Vendors and the existing one by clicking on the three-dot button at the right end of the window. The Reset option helps set the order details in the Control Vendors window again.

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The Kanban view represents the detailed view of each Vendor. You can see the Price, Date, Product Name, and Order received/canceled/progress in the Kanban view of the Control Vendors window. The green icon contains a call button that helps to book your order, and the red button contains a cross mark assist to Cancel an order. You can attach a new column also with the help of + icon. Through this you can add a column.

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Above screenshot is the pivot table of the control vendors. When you enable the option of measure icon, you can make the count, quantity and Total price in the count table. The “Insert In Spreadsheet” option assists in choosing a spreadsheet on your Pivot. Filters option enables you to see Received, Not Received, Canceled vendors and possibly add Custom Filters.

Locations : You can find location under the configuration tab. The Name, Address, and Company of the Lunch Location are displayed in the Lunch Location window. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

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When you select the External Link option next to the Company name, you can get information about the company. When you click on the external link button a new window will appear, here you can see the firm’s general information and VAT Units. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

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Under the general information you can find the company’s address, phone number, email, website, and currency information. When you fill in the details of your company, you can click on the “Save Button” to save the modifications. The VAT Units aid in the addition of your company’s name and country, as shown in the screenshot below, and are required to save the modifications.

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Below screenshot is the kanban view of the lunch locations. You can see the “Create Button”, with the help of this you can create a new lunch location.

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When you click on the “Create  Button” a new window will appear as shown in the screenshot below.

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To create a new lunch spot, enter the location, address, and company name. After filling all the information click to the “Save Button” to save the information.

Products : You can add as many products under the product menu. You can find the products menu under the configuration tab. When you click on the product menu a new window will open where you can see all the products which are already created. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

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 All users can see the ProductProduct list view, and the Categories/Vendors are displayed on the left side of the page. Using Custom Filters and Group, we can sort out the details. In this window, you can see the product name, category, vendor, company, description, and prize.

When you click on the “Create Button” a new window will appear. You can see information such as the product’s name, category, vendor, price, expiration date, and company. In a separate window, you may add an image and description for the Product. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

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You can fill in the details and save the form, this is how you can create a new product in the lunch moule.

Product Categories : You can find this option under the configuration tab. When you click on the product categories menu you will see the list of product categories which are already created. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

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With the help of “Create Button” you can create a new category of the product. When you click on the create button a new window will appear, for reference you can see the screenshot below.

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In the new window, you can enter the Product Category, Company Name, and an image. By pressing the Save button, a new Product Category is created and added to the list.

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Each Product Category’s details are displayed in the Kanban view. We can count the total number of products in each category and add a new one.

Alerts : Alerts can be enabled in order to remind the employee of the order. Customized messages can be given as alerts. This option helps to avoid the late ordering of food. You can find this option under the configuration tab. When you click on the Alert menu a new window will appear. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

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Right now there is no alert created. So you can create a new lunch alert with the help of the “Create Button”. When you click on the create button a new window will appear, for reference you can see the screenshot below.

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Through an app or chat notice, you can enter the Alert Name, Location, Until date, Activeness, and Display alert. With Notification Time, the Message option assists in typing the alert command and identifying the days of signals. An alert appears in the Lunch Alerts window once you save the modifications.

This is how you can configure the Lunch Module according to your business needs. I will let you know more details about this module in the upcoming blog. If you have any query and like to read more blogs written by us click on the Planet-Odoo

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