Employee Contract Management in Odoo 12
An employment contract is a signed agreement between an employee and an employer. Employee contracts contain details like hours of work, the rate of pay, the employee’s responsibilities, etc. An employee contract can be configured following details like contract details, employee name, department, job position, contract terms, employee salary structure, contract duration, working schedule, and work permit details, etc.
In Odoo it is easy to create employee contract. Employee contract is necessary to calculate payslip for each employee. You can select the ‘Employee’ ‘Department’ and other basic information from the window and assign the contract directly to the employee. Whenever you already entered the employee information then Odoo will automatically fill the fields like department, job title, etc. In this blog, you are going to discuss ” Employee Contract Management in Odoo 12“. With this module, the user can select multiple employees and create a contract for them by specifying their salary and contract type.
Now Lets’ see how to create the employee contract in Odoo.
First of all, you have to install the “Employee Directory” module from the app
Go to Employees > Create a new employee
At any time a new employee joins our company, we need to create a contract for that employee containing his wage, salary structure, etc. We can start the contract creation from the first stage, ie employee creation onwards.
Now you can create a contract for the new employee by clicking on the Contract field from the top right corner.
Now you can enter the following details like Contract Reference, Employee Name, Department, Job Position, Contract Type, Salary Structure and Other Information then click on Save button.
Contract Type: This field indicates the employment types like an employee, worker, subcontractor, etc.
Salary Structure: This field indicates the split of salary including Basic Salary, Gross Salary, and Net Salary. Salary structure is based on one or other factors like employee level, rank or status.
Start Date: This field indicates the start dates of the contract.
End Date: This field indicates the end date of the contract.
End of Trial Period: This field indicates the ending date of the contract trial period.
Working Schedule: This field indicates the employees day-wise working time and global leaves. These terms will consider while creating the payslip.
Schedule pay defines the period of wage payment. It is used for a different type like monthly, Quarterly, semi-annually, annually, weekly, bi-weekly and bi-monthly.
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