What is eLearning : A learning system based on formalized teaching but with the help of electronic resources is known as E-learning. While teaching can be based in or out of the classrooms, the use of computers and the Internet forms the major component of E-learning. 

E-learning is rapidly turning out to be the face of education in the world of technology. 

eLearning in Odoo : The use of eLearning is no longer limited to traditional educational institutions. Many companies have also already recognized the advantages of eLearning. For internal processes in companies, eLearning can, for example, support the onboarding of new employees, be used for training, education and workshops or be used as a tool for knowledge management.

E-learning Module introduced in Odoo version 13. It provides opportunities for creating online courses, Enabling the users to join and complete the online course with rules configured while creating the course. 

This module also provides some features like configure quizzes, badges, Beautiful dashboard for currently logged in users, Status of courses which he or she joined, badges, Rank and user profile information. 

The E-learning model introduced by Odoo is a supporting tool where the courses can be defined, forums can be created and certification programs can be conducted and managed easily in a way it is the Best Learning Management Systems (LMS). 

What is eLearning Forums : Forums are often used in elearning as an easy way to allow learners to communicate with each other, discuss any questions they may have relating to the content. The Forums tool provides a place for participants to have structured, asynchronous discussions about different topics, as specified by the instructor. Discussions may occur within an entire class or within smaller groups. Learning about products, services, and various aspects is helpful for people with discussion forums.

In this blog I will provide you detailed information about the eLearning Forums in the Odoo 15 eLearning Module.

To use this module first you have to install this module from the Odoo apps. And if this module is installed in your Odoo database then just click on the icon of the eLearning Module.

uRlvxQKtqSBhquGpgK2GMc3N4F3azGm46myuVYJRA55YgOYitLXYyAZdy5PIvUu wcRhwqkTqkV5 o4Klipts91ebkaaMncCdaIo H tf6 bEnmqJY5dtdSL k K4bDX9G8vtTzH

When you click on the icon, you will come to the eLearning Module dashboard. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

Jka9ZbMDpOaj1Osq2dEAKLtGAOKdP HAJB8QB0fVv0WV3BnrwuTvAFgIhNH3OBqNhImOpm6IDQGGcFgW0H7Gb92lWSwb6pATl0jWzbq 3qSnaISGtEo A5p4MI96ZaYlPNXqdS93

To enable the Forum tab on the Odoo eLearning dashboard go to the configuration tab and select settings from the drop down menu and enable the Forum option inside the eLearning title and save the changes. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

Odoo eLearning Dashboard > Configuration > Settings > Activate Forums

r3j9VH34FeJD tSqDQpdtovzmDAJREONHdlGhinaKCF6yH emOXzbZ6ZMyJG8lBW8FuNEnbuVcbj
aECu9gGniw1iedrk9qL AAHh6UTj5LKl01eeA81VOyBhophqoOxlTwyF9i4rmlaw1q SJNZE5je4a3IyNMTxz3c9geQlxq8SaHj4AaR9LCZxYOnuZLU3W r2Gnk5Ewpya8Osu9WI

Now you can click on the forum tab select forums from the drop down menu. And this is how you can access the eLearning forums. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

ZrW4wKNr55WVix5WvkxKIJ2ov154Bj3SrOiPHcSjTcZHBjQUybn4YotQrU8Bx6x4IVXNUkuBOGvyi7QAPMCUT1NtdkHO6jMQegFe4kb1c1eax Xui9 T As3tg2XWvR9qHrucgZ

On the above screenshot you can see the details like Forum Name, Website, number of posts, number of views, number of answers and favorites in the eLearning forums window.

How you can create a new eLearning Forum : You can simply do this via the help of “Create Button”. A new eLearning Forums page will be open when you click on the “Create Button”.  For reference you can see the screenshot below.

HsGq56QTD6g6nLF 80rMjx1o551dgIpC2ugjXlozZaq4FEMAxnNr3 Pp bYfTR93apyi10J7JF18Q8WvKhy0fG6lRPOm8Sy7fYUvW 7MFbTkD mpwM1uSuLm2QVzgTDfN3lKOwY

Now you can fill in the details like Forum Name, select the Mode as per Questions of one answer or Discussion with several solutions, websites. The submenus like Posts, Favorites and Go to Website are visible to users in the eLearning Forum window. You can also add an image related to Forum by selecting the camera icon at the right hand side. In addition, you can see several tabs like Options, Karma Related Rights and Karma Gains at the end of the window. 

Y lhs1rk7mxo6oaOfmh1SmQxPaQz7fIBKUirL9 VawLFUaFqi0fTMhgNzRs9ORrvoaPhTzP8S6fw3aXklRbNCd Ftro1rPGv8BhTWqN8Y4qzt44MNOwEgTam Qpy788RNlNYIr t

In the above screenshot you can see the options tab. In the option tab you can set the default sort as Newest, Last Updated, Most Voted, Relevance and Answered. Select the Privacy as Some Users/Public/Signed in options inside the Order and Visibility title. Public means Forum is Public, and Signed In denotes that Forum is visible for Signed in users. Forum and Content are hidden for non-members of selected groups, and it shows as Some Users. You can also add a Description that is visible on the Website.

CvbYNcKXwfTTML7WpVAFQf uNeKxSwMRDzc16ItjT2XmQZX7myM651XQqFBK1eUADDnJxE1xO78j46pTMH1KyvuNnLNaYQO FvAqXtgWteoHfCZ3vBOwcWjlJvJ4 PQNAopV11cZ

When you click on the Karma Gains tab you can see the Karma rewards for students, this can be set by users. This is considered at the time of course grading. Add the number of Questions/Answers upvoted, downvoted, Answer accepted/flagged, and Asking a Question inside the Karma Gains tab. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

8NPzUNscAUt9KQpgOaulE7dcYv7BoKi9o5nHwXhujKyiZKwXqFs1QPg9YPjelJdx0MVpCIYzFpnwLUdzUNoiJA3AUZgfQ9wR8YX0W6BJYnadg9PhnYEYruzVlsGCeJwFFpNa4 2r

Now the third tab is Karma Related Rights. When you click on this tab, users can set Karma points for Close/Comment/Edit/Delete own posts, Create new Tags, Moderate Posts, Answer Questions and more on respective columns. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

CqSxGLGtYbcPG7L9XPIykxHg3HXq7rKPaX a FJTnVi9hHddwN3C49XVKI kilRDeh2J5AY0Y8HK7K5NICV1hY bTS4NsURoDB9 U2 1tCloHXR mMtssHLqYkdbLvo1gqZoS b

When you fill in all the details in the appropriate tab click on the save button and save the forum. Now the audience can see this forum on the website with the forum tab. When you click on the forum tab on the website you will reach the forum which you have created. 

For that, select on the Go to Website button of your eLearning Forum and a new website window opens before you. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

LO1oLKV9MjZv19ZQR2HaeifvcETci5T89RhbOb ORL CwPxfROR ERdxsgSGNIeyYDCAnLIKUKVO3d9AqCg9blijEeznXEmHfZI81PapiX 7

When you click on the Forum tab as highlighted in the above image and the created list of Forums is visible inside it. Your created Forum is viewable in this window and click on it. It will be directed to the previous page.

9R wXVmIGX11su6Cnp BBHxT
biqD5XDHtT1StcZsiSsJcoazuaexjR8lka4oQeiI7qIiYycNbIHf7yF9BVnxlyM0KSA lS AqJv53RlmDC7 utbP4WZdVVdBrV04AwQgJClQh6TQ80kJUtCGz6otK1XXvkL rnZ

When you click on the literature basics as highlighted in the above screenshot you will come to the new page and you can see the “New Post” button over there. With the help of this button, users can create a new question for the audience. In the New Post window of the Website, enter the Title, add Description and apply some Tags. You can click on the Post Your Question icon after entering the question details. 

9 SuY5EyoESUFeR9EIDGQhM2Zqlwa6SBluJ3Mdl5n4p801SPG6zhz Pqy7PInHgLu8a50Xwv0fdKUhYCO2o5d9l XNKUt8M2sPskPJpkp8 vpJOi9LBLZoJ92aC8F dA TR9juVh
U p4tT6dnccl 7MRlok igCd1zJ1qoUgRbvbct62Lj RYZYpRGRa8 2 Ug7uJHY31ISh9JTzseFncNXiGdZwQy JWgStqs5KZL1 aSq LIWrbL1G5D0Sze3 7hjQDD9bL8BOSB r
FMUdKZttb60yw9ZXwzSCR54nJ316kbNit2mWOMEHcsRwjNzMaZXo iHnzbT zTQsh3X2fdlwzI6Lo9jbJ 8Am44Ao LRdsIBWXUud0ApS4bNhns1MbpPG4udy5yZdrk140vBtX1r

After posting your question it will be visible on the website which you have created. And all individuals on the platform can answer it quickly. When any of the individuals select on the Answer icon, a description box opens before the respective individual. Now you can write your answer and click on the post answer button. The response of a specific individual is viewable under the user’s question. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

0Hi7vcl1TiJVIm qpIfVfUQHR6z77tG9Hz9Vo2CVMYalpfAG0CtAxCK4EvwliUFQUIJ5EHujCyDY3PlbTwY3OHFF5Uc
8TiZSZSMUPDoLfhTzEbTHg2WO0vXSzQpRmQI 72LscYxZgrFsHoYordBMjC9hSVCzByv5nPgzdpZWM3Y nMFxqtACnb1P CZz5M90cWk0xc0m85 Qh7beP6gT4X1kFv6lVohT1If

Now you can go back to the eLearning Module forum window and see the number of views, answers and posts of your Forum. The created Forums are visible in the eLearning Forum dashboard shown in the screenshot below. 

0bc hB8VDzaY yScT2QMFuS1FhKngHeG1c3OzrM OQU nZVoLUNCOa2ViI1 jRnDxvXsGZakOaOt5iidgexoka8mxlafEHL

How you can Create eLearning Forum Posts : This module also provides you help to create Posts for the topics in Forum. You can find forum posts in the Forum tab. When you click on the forum tab you can select the post from the drop down menu. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

jMrMAwikylkWX GDvEXW lJ3lBafTOvtk4hgI2xPPvcnspTq8tcjHo9gsPNaWspuOXYYoonfRkPxUXY7b cfBCndcdkJ2oVKe 4LYYgcwbEHr8n3BA 6wFkSlqFJXde61KhEbIDJ
kkwg6xGktBDRrU6eXzEM XlayxJrg giMs0E0RPTljQbMmdonNfkKvwEeFs5ElwH7KxxlglkuW7cXJxmz8uhy7slgMF

You can see the post Title, Forum, Views, Answers, Favorite, Website and Status of each eLearning Forum Posts. With the help of the “Create Button” you can create a new post for the forum. 

8ONRjl H721 od6TTD QZplmf1ejNX bkNMhB0OkZzo2JpF27so6EUrTmhYEk O8OBQ Zz6VrGBMBt3bY2cTIgqefoMsu1LX767zqqG5pmDQT
N1jy DfrmWILUXgQedHgyM4Z1njelJygXkl2ey2 Vw2Shk3ZcNpPGrq7Qa2SVRGZd1LYTORBNnkvxZ6JGluJ9B9MmKQIvyo2qzHsXnOL7 vHz6SwUQljeBowW2Jxp Nzb 7zhBGw

Enter the Title and select your Forum from the drop-down menu. You can add Tags, Reason and Status of the respective post in the new eLearning forum post window. For reference you can see the screenshot above.

Now you can create posts answer with the “Add a Line “ option as highlighted in the screenshot above. After all this click on the Save button and store your data of eLearning Forum Posts. If you want to see the created Forum Posts on the Website then click on the Go to Website button as shown in the screenshot below. 

Xw9KOzeE2rMZeabDDhGGnTPYn6iI7OeT klu52oE3RaAD eJyfP8C279OGSisUXthOdY87XQuOIfmYBhZPGOFd9tGlA7bEOkCJO3j1tevVYff7a4NRWYaLnqLYT8hmzSrZ8qx SA

You can analyze the forum reports with the help of the reporting tab. When you click on the reporting and and select the forum from the drop down menu then you can see the graphical view of the forum reporting. 

5fJFeUwDDYrDrC1lYyMrmWJtBfuR6fkttUTmCoFRMvkFu9fi7Yc1cgQHqYsDVZLDfLKyCFsO8LmncVhGmeihPUHH0DH eVgpMUCSKKnSlPqWwg0PonC87F93HyRB64OtqMHacqbD

Each Forum’s details are mentioned on the x-axis, and Count shows in the Y-axis. You can see the chart in various forms such as Bar, Pie and Line in the screenshot below. 

jjBBHjK52h8hLEHaNYPu3TNj7ErdbcwgFA9laBlL8 HmhpXHbD6FI0vAQgPsKs1xcaoPucI

The Odoo E-learning model is a supporting tool where courses can be described, forums can be developed and credential programs can be conveniently rolled out and handled in a manner that is the best learning management system.I hope this blog will help you create a forum in Odoo V15 eLearning Module. If you like to read more blogs written by us click on the Planet-Odoo

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