What is Subscription : A subscription is an arrangement whereby goods, services or stock are sold periodically rather than individually. it. It is one of the best and most effective tools to maintain good customer relationship management. With the help of a subscription, the vendor can also manage to generate an income.

Basically there are three types of subscription.

  1. Fixed usage subscription : The fixed usage subscription model offers a set price for a fixed quantity of goods or services over a set time frame. 
  2. Unlimited usage subscription : The unlimited usage subscription model offers a set price for unlimited access to a good or service. 
  3. Pay-as-you-go-subscription : Also known as the convenience model or no-commitment billing, this model enables customers to purchase products or services periodically without any long-term commitment. Customers can cancel their subscription at any time.
  • Odoo Subscription Module : Odoo Subscription management module helps you when your business has recurring billing or subscriber who pays you monthly charges for the use of services that you offer. Some of the businesses which came in this category are Membership kind businesses such as Health Gymnasium, insurance agencies, property rentals, Cable operators, Monthly service fees etc. This kind of business provides monthly services to their customers on subscriptions and the customer needs to pay the monthly fee. Odoo Subscription management module helps you to manage your subscriber in an easy way.
  • Odoo gives a clear view of all subscriptions created by the user in the dashboard of the application. The Subscription dashboard helps the operator to find the status of the subscription and then modify the subscription if required.

Below are some features using Odoo Subscription Module.

  1. Auto Payment : With Odoo Subscription you don’t need to set up payments or invoice manually – Automatic payments and invoices are raised as the payments due.
  1. Enhance your sales force : With routine tasks you eliminate you can focus the sales team on growing the revenue. Further Contract templates help you to quickly speed up the proposition processes.
  1. Customer Centric : Odoo subscription management app helps your customers to end contracts themselves only with their reason you can also configure in case your customer should contact your management first before ending any contracts.
  1. Automatic subscription : Odoo automates all your recurring sales and subscription so that you can concentrate more on services. This module generates invoices automatically including the taxes and is fully integrated with accounting.
  1. No login required and easy signup : Increase sales by getting rid of login requirements and making signup simple
  1. User Friendly portal : Odoo Subscription management app offers your customer a user friendly portal with complete data and contract they have made with your company.
  1. Analytical Tool : You gain proper analysis so that you optimize your business. There are different metrics available with single click. Through dashboard overview you get detailed insight of your MRR, LTV etc.
  1. Forecasts Business : Odoo subscription management helps you to create forecasts and understand growth in your business. You can also create new targets with current statistics available. 

Benefits of Odoo Subscription Module : 

1. Through this you can create and manage subscriptions easily.

2. It will help you to get a view of the customer details in the application form.

3. With this application you can manage different subscription variants.

4. It also speeds up the renewal of subscription enabling payment and auto-renewal support.

5. You can generate reports on subscription with Odoo support.

Now it’s time to show you the workflow of the subscription module. This blog will explain how to use the Odoo Subscription module. Odoo Subscription module is an enterprise version. Here I am explaining this module with the user Administrator who can access all the models.

Configuration : First of all you have to install the Subscription Module from the Odoo Apps. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

From the screenshot below you can see that the Subscription Module is already installed for me.

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After installation you can see the Subscription Module in your database as you can see in the screenshot below.

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With Subscription management, you can easily manage your recurring revenue assured on a monthly, yearly, quarterly basis and add up value to your business.

When you click on the Subscription Module you can see the Subscription Dashboard as you can see in the screenshot below.

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You have to follow some steps to properly use the Subscription Module.

  1. Create Subscription products
  2. Create Subscription Template
  3. Create Quotation Template
  4. Create Subscription Stages
  5. Alerts
  6. Quotation

To activate a Subscription we need to create a ‘Subscription Product’ first, then create a ‘Subscription Template’. Later, assign this Subscription template to the Subscription Product.

Then, In Sales we have to create a ‘Quotation Template’ to sell the subscription.

Create Subscription Products : To create Subscription Product > Subscription Module > Subscription > Subscription Product.

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When you click on Subscription Products, you can see the list of Subscription products which have already been created. 

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Products can be created, but we must be careful when selecting a product category such as service. Also, make sure that the purchased option was deselected when making the product. Let’s create a new Subscription Product with the help of the create button. When you click on the create button you can see the form will open as you can see in the screenshot below.


You can fill in the basic details and under the Sales tab there is a Subscription section. Under that you have a Subscription Product which has to be enabled so that when you confirm the sales order with the same product, it will create a subscription. Here if we untick the ‘Can be Purchased’ checkbox, this can’t be purchased. If we are creating the product from the inventory, it will be automatically done if we tick the ‘Subscription Product’ checkbox.

Create Subscription Template : Subscription Template is a feature in Odoo which helps one to create recurring invoices and renew them apace. In Odoo you have the option to manage, create and edit your subscription template.

Let’s create a subscription template, to create first we have to configure this. To configure the Subscription template go to Subscription Module > Configuration > Subscription Template.

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By default Odoo provides two subscription templates which are monthly subscription and yearly subscription. If you want to create a new subscription template, click on the Create button.

When you click on the create button to create a new subscription template the form will be open. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

Invoicing Period: This is used to mention the recurring period for the invoice creation which repeats every Day/Week/Month/Year.

Duration: This  is used to mention the recurring duration, for which we have two options: Forever or Fixed. When we select the Fixed option it will show the extra field to mention the period. For reference you can see the screenshot below.

Create Invoice: This field provides the option to create invoices Manually, Draft, Send, Send & try to charge, and Send after successful payment.

Closable by Customer: If Checked the user will be able to close his/her account.

Group of Subscription: One can use this tag to filter your subscription report.

Journal: If enabled, subscriptions with this template will invoice in this journal.

Company: Here you can mention your company name.

Code: This field is used to mention the code which will automatically be added to the name of the template.

Terms and conditions: This option generally defines the terms and conditions associated with the subscription template.

Health Check: This helps to set certain conditions which give you an indication about how many subscribers (customers) extend or stop their subscription. Based on that one can do an overall analysis and find If you have bad health on your subscription due to many customers canceling the subscription, you can take action on that.

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This Subscription Template can be assigned to different Subscription products.

Create Quotation Template : To create quotations for Subscription products, first you have to enable a Quotation template.

To enable a Quotation Template, enable quotation templates in setting. For this go to the Sales Module > Configuration > Setting > enable quotation template.

Now we can create quotations, to create this go to the sales module > Configuration > quotation template.

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With this create button you can create a new one.

Quotation expires after: The displayed number of days that template is valid and then enter the items under Lines section as per your requirement. You can add the ‘Subscription Products’ which is already assigned to the ‘Subscription Template’.

Also you can add the suggested products in the Suggested Products section.

Vh9kDpjswvjQzGy4Rg8If the ‘Quotation Template’ is created then we can sell the subscription.

Sell the subscription : For this you have to create a sale order for selling the subscription. Sales > Orders > quotation.


When you click on the quotation you can see the list of all the quotations which have been created before.

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With this new create button you can create a new quotation.

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In the sales Quotation, there is a new field ‘Quotation Template’. So that we can select a quotation template from here. Then the corresponding Products of the selected quotation template will be added in the Order Line. Now we can save this Quotation and Confirm Quotation.

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From the above image, you can see that you will have the option to Renew the quotation, Upsell, and Close the subscription.

With Upsell, it will ask to Create a quotation with new products and send it to the customer for approval and when the quotation is confirmed, the products will be added to the subscription. Quotation prices will be prorated to the remaining time of the current invoicing period. And with the Close, we can simply close the quotation.

Subscription Stages : Now let’s create Subscription stages. For this go to Subscription module > Configuration > Subscription Stages.

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With this create button you can create a new one for different stages through which they need to evaluate their subscription order.


Stage Name: This is used to provide the name for the stage.

Rating Email Template: This is used to send mail to the customer when the subscription order reaches this stage.

Category: This one is used to mention the category for the stages. 

Requirements: In this, you can provide your team with requirements to move through different stages. 

Subscription Alerts : This is used to alert subscribers about subscription period end and payment dues. To enable alerts go to the subscription module > configuration > alert.

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Now click on th “Take action on less satisfied clients”.

There are some fields like MRR Between which is used to mention the Monthly recurring revenue, also fields like Rating Satisfaction which determines the customer satisfaction based on the positive rating and the overall rating.

Then you have a set of option under Action like : 

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  • Create next activity – This allows to schedule and assign the activity to the team to get feedback on their subscription.
  • Set a tag on the subscription –  When set will get the option to mention the tag on it
  • Set the stage on the subscription – When set will get the option to mention the Stages on it
  • Mark as to Renew.
  • Send an email to the customer – When set will get the option to set the email template.
  • Send a text message to the customer – When set will get the option to set the SMS template.

And also have the option to mention the trigger actions and trigger date which works based on the scheduler that we set.

Subscription to Renew : In this module you have the option to renew your subscription. For this go to the subscription module > Subscription > Subscription Renew.

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