Batch Payment Processing in Odoo 13
In Odoo 13 batch payment processing allows you to create and send multiple payments in one go by simply uploading a file. You can then make a single transfer to TransferWise to cover all payments in the batch. Some people may announce a batch payment a bulk payment, or mass payment. It is used to handling tasks like payroll, end-of-month. Batch Payment Processing is most cost-effective to do it just once per day, as the credit card processor charges a fee every time a batch is processed. In preference of spending time processing particular payments throughout the day, now you can easily upload a batch of transactions for processing at the end of the day so it is used to save time. Batch processing is advantageous because it is a cost-effective means of handling large amounts of data at once.
Batch deposit is available for check and credit card transactions with the option to add an adjustment for applicable fees to the appropriate expense account automatically.
In Odoo we have two types of batch payment methods, one is customer batch payment named as inbound batch type, and another one is vendor bill batch payment named as outbound batch type. Under the inbound batch type, we can batch the multiple numbers of customer payments. However, the outbound batch type is used for batching the multiple numbers of vendor payments. Then we can reconcile these batches with our bank statement.
In Odoo 13 you can define two types of batch payment types :
- Inbound batch type
- Outbound batch type
Inbound batch type means Incoming call and Outgoing batch type means Outgoing call. Inbound batch type is also known as customer batch payment and another one is Outbound batch type is also known as vendor bill batch payment. Odoo ERP also allows you to manage incoming (inbound) and outgoing (outbound) calls.
Now Lets’ see how to manage batch payment processing in Odoo 13
Firstly, you have to install Accounting apps in your instance.
For executing this payment first in the accounting module, so you have to check the Batch Payment type checkbox.
Go to Accounting apps -> Configuration -> Setting and tick the checkbox of Batch Payment at that time click on the Save button.
Now you can create two types of batch methods like Customer batch type and Vendor batch type.
Customer batch payment: Now you can create new customer batch payment to click on the create button.
Go to Accounting -> Customer -> Batch Payment -> and click on the Create button.
Vendor batch payment: Now you can create a new vendor batch payment to click on the create button.
Go to Accounting -> Vendor -> Batch Payment -> and click on the Create button.
At the same time, you can create a new batch payment in Odoo to click on the create button and fill the following information like Batch type, Bank, Payment method, Date, Reference, Batch Content, etc.
Now you can create the new bank account in the accounting module. You can fill the following fields like Bank account name, and name of the bank.
Go to Accounting -> Configuration -> Bank account -> and click on the Create button.
And this payment method types are used when validating payment registers. And in the register payment window, we can see this payment method type.
Now you can see the payment type is used validating payment register
In Customer or Vendor Batch type you can use the various number of payment methods for the individual bank account. Now you can create and edit the payment method as per your need and standard. You can see various types of payment methods like Manual, Batch Deposit, etc.
At the same time, you select the payment method like manual and you can click on the add a line button, then fill the following information like Name, Journal, Payment method, Customer, Amount, Status, Company, etc.
Whenever you want to see the list of payment information that validated through the Batch deposit payment method.
Go to Accounting -> Customer -> Payments
After selecting the payment checkbox beside each payment, you want to add it. Then click the select button for bringing these payments to the batch content field.
Now you can create the equivalent bank statement for reconciling this batch payment. For creating the bank statement, select the bank statement and click on the create button to create a new statement. You can fill the following required fields: journal, date, company, starting balance, ending balance, and transaction details, etc.
Go to Accounting Overview -> Bank Statement -> and click on the Create button.
When you process the bank statement reconciliation it will use to matching the payments of customers and vendors with the bank statement. When the reconciliation process is run, the user will be able to select the batch deposit that matches the bank statement line. At that time you can view all the payments that we added to the batch.
At that time you can click on the reconcile button and then shows that the reconcile is completed.